Trains from Guwahati to Delhi

Trains from Guwahati to DelhiHundreds of people travel everyday from Guwahati to New Delhi. New Delhi is among the top five cities where people from Guwahati travel to Delhi either for work or for higher studies. Delhi is also a preferred tourist destination. A journey to the National Capital would not be too far if you travel by the Indian Railways. The Indian Railways operates several trains from Guwahati to New Delhi. There are many trains like Rajdhani Express, Northeast Express, Brahmaputra Mail and Avadh Assam which runs everyday from Guwahati to Delhi.

We have gathered all the information about the trains running from Guwahati to New Delhi, the train numbers, the time of arrival, the departure time, the fares of trains, the days on which they run, the stations from where they depart and their arrival stations and so on. Here is a list of the trains from Guwahati to New Delhi. So what are you waiting for? Just scroll down and get ready to book your tickets:

Train Name: Dibrugarh Town-New Delhi Rajdhani Express
Train No: 12423
Departure Time:  07:05 from GHY
Arrival Time: 10:10 to NDLS
Fares:  Rs 2255 (3A), Rs 3150 (2A), Rs 5180 (1A)
Schedule: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Train Name: Dibrugarh Town-New Delhi Rajdhani Express
Train No: 12435
Departure Time:  05:55 from GHY
Arrival Time: 13:50 to NDLS
Fares:  Rs 2380 (3A), Rs 3275 (2A), Rs 5325 (1A)
Schedule: Tuesday and Saturday

Train Name: Dibrugarh-New Delhi Rajdhani Express
Train No: 12235
Departure Time:  05:55 from GHY
Arrival Time: 13:50 to NDLS
Fares:  Rs 2425 (3A), Rs 3320 (2A), Rs 5420 (1A)
Schedule: Friday

Train Name: Poorvottar Sampark Kranti Express
Train No: 12501
Departure Time: 06:00 from GHY
Arrival Time: 13:00 to NDLS
Fares:  RS 357 (GEN), Rs 640 (SL)  Rs 1665 (3A), Rs 2430 (2A), RS 4180 (1A)
Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

Train Name: Northeast Express
Train No: 12505
Departure Time: 09:45 from GHY
Arrival Time: 19:15 to ANVT
Fares:  Rs 354 (GEN), RS 640 (SL), RS 1605 (3A), RS 2345 (2A)
Schedule: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Train Name: Brahmaputra Mail
Train No: 14055
Departure Time: 11:45 from GHY
Arrival Time: 06:05 to DLI
Fares:  Rs 362 (GEN), RS 620 (SL), RS 1645 (3A), RS 2430 (2A)
Schedule: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Train Name: Avadh Assam Express
Train No: 15609
Departure Time: 22:00 from GHY
Arrival Time: 15:05 to DLI
Fares Rs 349 (GEN), RS 605 (SL), RS 1600 (3A), RS 2360 (3A)
Schedule: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Train Name: Kamakhya-Delhi Anand Vihar T Weekly Express
Train No: 15621
Departure Time:  06:10 from KYQ
Arrival Time: 17:35 to ANVT
Fares:  Rs 324 (GEN), RS 600 (SL), RS 1590 (3A)
Schedule: Thursday

Train Name: Guwahati-New Delhi (Weekly) SF Puja Special
Train No: 02235
Departure Time:  05:55 from GHY
Arrival Time: 16:15 to NDLS
Fares: Rs 635 (SL)  Rs 1650 (3A), Rs 2405 (2A)
Schedule: Wednesday

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