Are you traveling from Guwahati to Chennai by train? Do you want to know about all the trains running from Gauhati to Chennai? We have here all the information for you regarding all train services from Guwahati to Chennai. The journey from Guwahati to Chennai would be made all the more beautiful by rail as you will be able to appreciate the beauty of both the cities and also some other places that you will cross in your train journey. The Indian Railways has several trains running from Guwahati to Chennai. There are some trains that don’t halt in Chennai, nevertheless the stations where they halt are just some kilometers away from Chennai from where you can take taxis, cabs and autos and then reach your destination. Just scroll down and get to know all about the list of trains running from Guwahati to Chennai, the train numbers, arrival and departure time, train fare, the days on which they run and so. Find here a list of all the trains running from Guwahati to Chennai with detailed information.
Train Name: Guwahati-Chennai Egmore Express
Train No: 15630
Departure Time: 15:00 from GHY
Arrival Time: 20:15 to MS
Fares: Fares: Rs 427 (GEN), Rs 725 (SL), Rs 1895 (3A), Rs 2830 (2A)
Schedule: Friday
Train Name: Dibrugarh-Chennai Egmore Weekly Express
Train No: 15930
Departure Time: 15:00 from GHY
Arrival Time: 20:15 to MS
Fares: Fares: Rs (GEN), Rs (SL), Rs (3A), Rs (2A), RS (1A)
Schedule: Monday
Train Name: Dibrugarh-Kochuveli (Fortnightly) Special
Train No: 06335
Departure Time: 15:00 from GHY
Arrival Time: 17:40 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 427 (GEN), Rs 725 (SL), Rs 1895 (3A), Rs 2830 (2A)
Schedule: Sunday
Train Name: Kamakhya Chennai Central (Weekly) SF Puja Special
Train No: 02508
Departure Time: 14:00 from KYQ
Arrival Time: 14:55 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 433 (GEN), Rs 740 (SL), Rs 1910 (3A), Rs 2825 (2A)
Schedule: Monday
Train Name: Kamakhya Yasvantpur (Weekly) SF Puja Special
Train No: 02552
Departure Time: 14:00 from KYQ
Arrival Time: 11:15 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 433 (GEN), Rs 740 (SL), Rs 1910 (3A), Rs 2825 (2A), RS 4895 (1A)
Schedule: Wednesday
Train Name: Dibrugarh Bangalore Weekly Express
Train No: 15902
Departure Time: 05:15 from GHY
Arrival Time: 04:20 to PER
Fares: Fares: 418 (GEN), Rs 720 (SL), Rs 1880 (3A), Rs 2805 (2A)
Schedule: Saturday
Train Name: Guwahati-Bangalore (Kaziranga) SF Express
Train No: 12510
Departure Time: 06:30 from GHY
Arrival Time: 04:15 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 429 (GEN), Rs 735 (SL), Rs 1895 (3A), Rs 2795 (2A), RS 4845 (1A)
Schedule: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Train Name: Guwahati Trivandrum Express
Train No: 12508
Departure Time: 06:30 from GHY
Arrival Time: 04:15 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 429 (GEN), Rs 735 (SL), Rs 1895 (3A), Rs 2795 (2A)
Schedule: Friday
Train Name: Guwahati Trivandrum Central Express
Train No: 12516
Departure Time: 06:30 from GHY
Arrival Time: 14:15 to MAS
Fares: Fares: Rs 429 (GEN), Rs 735 (SL), Rs 1895 (3A), Rs 2795 (2A)
Schedule: Wednesday
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